
Can You Really Make Money on Audible? Breaking Down the Earnings

is audible worth it

Audiobooks have surged in popularity, offering a convenient alternative to traditional reading. Audible, a leader in this space, provides opportunities for authors, narrators, and entrepreneurs to make money. But is Audible worth it or not? Let’s dive into the details.

The Audible Ecosystem

What is Audible?

Audible is a platform owned by Amazon that offers audiobooks, podcasts, and other spoken-word content. It’s a subscription-based service with millions of users worldwide. This vast audience presents a lucrative opportunity for content creators.

Ways to Make Money on Audible

There are several pathways to earn money on Audible, including:

  1. Writing and Publishing Audiobooks
  2. Narrating Audiobooks
  3. Affiliate Marketing
  4. Audible Plus Content Creation

Writing and Publishing Audiobooks

Self-Publishing on Audible

For authors, turning a book into an audiobook can open new revenue streams. Through Amazon’s Audiobook Creation Exchange (ACX), authors can publish audiobooks directly to Audible, iTunes, and Amazon.

Steps to Get Started

  1. Create a Compelling Book: Ensure your book is well-written and engaging. Consider your audience and the demand for your genre.
  2. Choose a Narrator: You can narrate your own book or hire a professional. ACX offers options to find narrators who work for upfront payments or royalty shares. Choosing the right voice can enhance the listener’s experience.
  3. Production and Quality: Focus on high-quality production. Audible has strict quality standards, so investing in good equipment and sound editing is crucial. Poor audio quality can deter potential listeners.
  4. Marketing Your Audiobook: Leverage social media, author websites, and email lists to promote your audiobook. Engaging with your audience through Q&A sessions or live readings can boost interest.

Earnings and Royalties

Authors on Audible can earn through two main royalty options:

  • Exclusive Distribution: Earn 40% royalties by exclusively distributing through Audible. This option provides a higher share but limits where you can sell your audiobook.
  • Non-exclusive distribution: Earn 25% royalties and distribute on other platforms. This gives you flexibility but at a lower percentage.

The income potential varies based on sales, marketing efforts, and audience reach. Successful authors often have a strong marketing strategy and an established fan base.

Narrating Audiobooks

Narrating Audiobooks

Becoming a Narrator

If you have a pleasant voice and enjoy storytelling, becoming a narrator can be a rewarding career. Narrators bring stories to life and can work on a freelance basis.

How to Start

  1. Build Your Skills: Practice reading aloud and consider taking voice acting courses. Understanding pacing, tone, and character differentiation is crucial.
  2. Create a Demo Reel: Showcase your range and ability in a professional demo. A well-crafted reel can set you apart from the competition.
  3. Join ACX: Create a profile on ACX and audition for projects that match your voice style. Networking with authors can also lead to opportunities.

Income Potential

Narrators can earn through:

  • Per-Finished-Hour Rate: Payment based on the length of the finished audiobook. Rates can vary widely based on experience and project complexity.
  • Royalty Share: A percentage of sales that can be lucrative for popular books. This option involves risk but can lead to long-term earnings.

Experienced narrators with a strong portfolio can command higher rates and more prestigious projects.

Affiliate Marketing

Audible Affiliate Program

The Audible affiliate program offers another way to earn money. By promoting Audible memberships and products, affiliates can earn commissions.

How It Works

  1. Sign Up: Join the Audible affiliate program through Amazon Associates. It’s a straightforward process that opens access to a variety of promotional tools.
  2. Promote Links: Share affiliate links on blogs, social media, and websites. Creating content that highlights the benefits of Audible can drive conversions.
  3. Earn Commissions: Earn a bounty for each new Audible membership sign-up through your links. Tracking your performance can help optimize strategies.

Maximizing Earnings

To successfully earn through affiliate marketing, focus on:

  • Targeted Content: Create content that appeals to audiobook listeners. Reviews, genre recommendations, and author interviews can attract the right audience.
  • SEO Strategies: Optimize your content to rank well in search engines. Understanding keywords and search intent can improve visibility.
  • Engagement: Build a community around your content to increase trust and conversion rates. Regular interaction and personalized recommendations can foster loyalty.

Audible Plus Content Creation

Audible Plus Content Creation

Creating Exclusive Content

Audible Plus allows creators to produce exclusive content for Audible subscribers. This can include podcasts, series, or other audio projects.


  • Exposure: Reach Audible’s vast audience. Being featured as exclusive content can enhance visibility.
  • Creative Freedom: Experiment with different audio formats and styles. Unique and engaging content can attract dedicated followers.

Steps to Get Involved

  1. Develop Unique Content: Focus on creating engaging and original content that stands out. Identifying niche topics can capture specific audience segments.
  2. Pitch to Audible: Submit your concept or finished product to Audible for consideration. A compelling pitch highlighting your content’s value can improve acceptance chances.
  3. Negotiate Terms: Work out a deal that compensates you fairly for your work. Understanding contract terms and rights is essential for long-term success.

Challenges and Considerations

While there are many opportunities to make money on Audible, there are also challenges:

  • Competition: The audiobook market is competitive, requiring high-quality content and effective marketing.
  • Time Investment: Producing and promoting audiobooks demands significant time and effort.
  • Skill Development: Narrating and producing quality audio content requires specialized skills.

Success Stories

Authors and Narrators

Many authors and narrators have found success on Audible, turning passion projects into lucrative careers. Some have even transitioned from traditional publishing to focus solely on audiobooks.

Tips from the Pros

  • Focus on Quality: Invest in good production and editing to meet Audible’s standards.
  • Build a Brand: Develop a recognizable brand to attract a loyal audience.
  • Network: Connect with other creators and industry professionals to learn and grow.


So, if you are wondering, is Audible worth it? The answer is yes, but success requires dedication, creativity, and strategic effort. Whether you’re an author, narrator, or marketer, Audible offers diverse opportunities to earn and grow in the dynamic world of audiobooks.

By understanding the landscape and leveraging the right strategies, you can carve out a rewarding niche on this thriving platform. Embrace the challenge, and you might find yourself at the forefront of the audiobook revolution.

Frequently Asked Questions

1. How can authors maximize their audiobook sales on Audible?

To maximize audiobook sales, authors should focus on strategic marketing and quality content. Start by optimizing your book’s metadata with relevant keywords to improve discoverability. Utilize social media platforms to engage with your audience and create buzz around your release. Collaborating with influencers or bloggers in your genre can also amplify your reach. Additionally, offering promotional discounts or free chapters can entice new listeners. Consistent engagement, such as hosting live Q&A sessions or creating supplementary content, can foster a loyal community.

2. What are the common challenges narrators face, and how can they overcome them?

Narrators often encounter challenges like vocal strain, inconsistent work, and technical issues. To overcome vocal strain, narrators should maintain proper vocal health through hydration, warm-ups, and regular breaks. Networking within the industry can help secure consistent projects; joining online communities and forums can offer support and job leads. Investing in quality recording equipment and mastering sound editing can resolve technical challenges. Continuous skill development through workshops or coaching can also enhance performance and open doors to more opportunities.

3. How does the royalty structure impact potential earnings on Audible?

The royalty structure on Audible significantly affects earnings. Authors and narrators can choose between exclusive and non-exclusive distribution. With exclusive distribution, creators earn 40% royalties, but they can only sell on Audible, Amazon, and iTunes. Non-exclusive distribution offers 25% royalties, allowing sales on other platforms. The choice depends on your marketing strategy and audience reach. Understanding this structure helps creators plan their promotional efforts and decide whether the broader reach of non-exclusivity outweighs the higher percentage of exclusivity.

4. What strategies can affiliates use to increase their Audible commissions?

Affiliates can boost commissions by creating targeted, high-quality content that resonates with audiobook enthusiasts. Crafting engaging reviews, genre-specific recommendations, and author interviews can attract a dedicated audience. Utilizing SEO techniques to enhance visibility and incorporating compelling calls-to-action can drive conversions. Building an email list to share exclusive offers or insights can nurture potential customers. Collaborating with other content creators to cross-promote can also expand your reach and credibility within the audiobook community.

5. How can creators ensure their content meets Audible's quality standards?

Meeting Audible’s quality standards requires attention to detail in production. For authors, it means ensuring clear and engaging narration, free from background noise or technical glitches. Investing in professional sound equipment and editing software is crucial. Conduct thorough quality checks or hire an audio engineer for final reviews. Adhering to Audible’s technical requirements, such as audio file specifications and formatting, is essential. Continuous feedback from listeners can also guide improvements and maintain high standards.

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