Publishing, Audiobook, Manuscript

How to Publish A Book on Audible?

How to Publish A Book on Audible

Publishing a book on Audible can significantly expand your reach as an author, allowing your work to be consumed by listeners who prefer audio formats. This guide provides a comprehensive walkthrough on how to publish a book on Audible, from the initial preparation to the final publishing steps.

Preparing Your Manuscript for Audible

Before diving into the process of publishing on Audible, it’s essential to ensure your manuscript is ready for audio production.

Finalizing Your Manuscript

Ensure your manuscript is in its final, polished state. This includes:

  • Editing and Proofreading: Ensure that your manuscript is thoroughly edited and free of grammatical errors or inconsistencies.
  • Formatting: Format your manuscript according to audiobook standards. This typically means breaking down the text into manageable, easily narrated sections.

Choosing Your Narrator

The narrator plays a crucial role in bringing your book to life. You have two main options:

  • Narrate It Yourself: If you have a good voice and feel confident in your narration skills, you can record the audiobook yourself.
  • Hire a Professional Narrator: Professional narrators can provide a high-quality listening experience. Platforms like ACX (Audiobook Creation Exchange) can help you find the right narrator.

Preparing a Script

Regardless of who narrates the book, a well-prepared script is essential. This script should:

  • Include clear directions for any special pronunciations or specific tonal requirements.
  • Be broken down into chapters and sections to facilitate smooth recording sessions.

Recording Your Audiobook

Once you have your manuscript and narrator ready, it’s time to move to the recording phase.

Setting Up a Recording Environment

A professional recording environment is crucial for producing high-quality audio. This includes:

  • Soundproofing: Use a quiet room with minimal background noise. Soundproofing materials like foam panels can be very effective.
  • Equipment: Invest in a good-quality microphone, headphones, and audio interface. Software like Audacity or Adobe Audition can be used for recording and editing.

The Recording Process

Whether you’re recording yourself or working with a narrator, the recording process should follow these steps:

  • Warm-Up Exercises: Vocal warm-ups can help prevent strain and ensure a clear voice.
  • Consistent Sessions: Record in consistent time blocks to maintain vocal tone and energy levels.
  • Monitoring Quality: Continuously monitor the audio quality and adjust as needed.

Editing and Mastering

Editing and mastering are critical to ensure the final product sounds professional.

  • Editing: Remove any mistakes, awkward pauses, or background noises. This step also involves aligning the audio to match the manuscript accurately.
  • Mastering: Adjust the levels, equalize frequencies, and add any necessary effects to ensure uniform quality throughout the audiobook.

Submitting Your Audiobook to Audible

With your audiobook recorded and edited, the next step is to submit it to Audible.

Creating an ACX Account

ACX (Audiobook Creation Exchange) is a platform that connects authors with narrators and facilitates the submission of audiobooks to Audible.

  • Sign Up: Create an account on ACX. You’ll need to provide some basic information about yourself and your book.
  • Verify Rights: Ensure you have the right to create and distribute an audiobook version of your work.

Uploading Your Audiobook Files

ACX has specific requirements for audiobook submissions, including:

  • File Format: Each chapter should be uploaded as a separate .mp3 file.
  • Audio Requirements: ACX has detailed technical requirements, including bit rate, sample rate, and maximum peak levels. Ensure your files meet these standards.
  • Cover Art: Upload cover art that meets ACX’s specifications (usually a square image, at least 2400 x 2400 pixels).

Completing Your Audiobook Profile

Provide detailed information about your audiobook, including:

  • Title and Author Name: Ensure these match exactly with the details of your book.
  • Narrator Information: If you’ve hired a professional narrator, include their details.
  • Description: Write a compelling description that will entice listeners.
  • Genres and Keywords: Select appropriate genres and keywords to help listeners find your audiobook.

Promoting Your Audiobook

Publishing your audiobook is just the beginning. Effective promotion is key to reaching your audience.

Utilizing Social Media

Leverage social media platforms to promote your audiobook:

  • Teasers and Samples: Share short audio samples or behind-the-scenes snippets to generate interest.
  • Engage with Followers: Interact with your audience, answer questions, and encourage reviews.

Collaborating with Influencers

Reach out to influencers, bloggers, and podcasters in your genre:

  • Reviews and Features: Request reviews or features on their platforms.
  • Guest Appearances: Offer to appear on podcasts or guest blogs to discuss your audiobook.

Running Promotions and Giveaways

Promotions and giveaways can generate buzz and attract new listeners.

  • Discounts: Offer limited-time discounts on your audiobook.
  • Giveaways: Run giveaway contests on platforms like Goodreads or your social media channels. Offer free copies of your audiobook as prizes.
  • Bundling: Consider bundling your audiobook with other works or related merchandise to provide added value.

Engaging with Audiobook Communities

Join and participate in audiobook communities:

  • Forums and Groups: Engage in discussions on forums like Reddit’s r/audiobooks or Facebook groups dedicated to audiobooks.
  • Listener Feedback: Listen to feedback from your audience and use it to improve future projects.

Monitoring Your Audiobook’s Performance

After your audiobook is published, monitoring its performance is crucial for ongoing success.

Tracking Sales and Reviews

Regularly check your sales data and reviews on Audible:

  • Sales Trends: Analyze sales trends to understand what promotions or marketing efforts are most effective.
  • Listener Reviews: Pay attention to listener reviews. Positive reviews can boost sales, while constructive criticism can help you improve future projects.

Updating and Refining Your Marketing Strategy

Based on the feedback and data you collect, refine your marketing strategy:

  • Target Audience: Identify which demographics are most interested in your audiobook and tailor your marketing efforts accordingly.
  • New Platforms: Explore new platforms or methods to reach potential listeners. For example, consider advertising on audiobook-related websites or apps.

Continuous Engagement

Continue to engage with your audience even after the initial launch period:

  • Updates and News: Keep your audience informed about new releases, special offers, or upcoming projects.
  • Interactive Content: Create interactive content such as Q&A sessions, live readings, or behind-the-scenes looks at your audiobook production process.

Expanding Your Audiobook Reach

Expanding the reach of your audiobook can increase sales and build a loyal listener base.

International Markets

Consider translating and publishing your audiobook in other languages to reach international markets:

  • Translation Services: Hire professional translation services to ensure the quality of the translation.
  • International Narrators: Find native speakers to narrate the translated versions of your audiobook.

Libraries and Subscription Services

Make your audiobook available through libraries and subscription services:

  • Library Distribution: Many libraries offer audiobooks through services like OverDrive or Hoopla. Ensure your audiobook is available on these channels.
  • Subscription Services: Platforms like Scribd and Audible Plus operate on a subscription model. Getting your audiobook into these services can increase its accessibility.

Networking with Industry Professionals

Networking with industry professionals can open up new opportunities:

  • Conferences and Events: Attend book and audiobook conferences to meet other authors, narrators, and industry experts.
  • Professional Organizations: Join organizations like the Audio Publishers Association to stay informed about industry trends and opportunities.


Publishing a book on Audible involves meticulous preparation, from finalizing your manuscript and selecting a narrator to recording, editing, and promoting your audiobook. By following the steps outlined in this guide, you can confidently navigate the process and ensure your audiobook reaches a wide and appreciative audience.

Remember, the journey doesn’t end with the publication. Continuous engagement with your listeners, refining your marketing strategies, and exploring new avenues for distribution will help you build a successful audiobook career. Embrace the opportunities the audiobook market offers, and watch your stories come to life in the ears of your listeners.

Frequently Asked Questions

1. Do I need a professionally recorded audiobook to publish on Audible?

While having a professionally recorded audiobook is not mandatory, it’s highly recommended. High-quality audio is crucial for listener satisfaction. If you plan to narrate and produce the audiobook yourself, you can either hire a professional narrator and sound engineer or invest in good recording equipment and software. Platforms like ACX offer resources and connections to professional narrators and producers.

2. What are the costs involved in publishing an audiobook on Audible?

The cost of publishing an audiobook on Audible can vary depending on several factors. Costs might include purchasing recording equipment and software if you narrate and produce the audiobook. Hiring a professional narrator and sound engineer can range from a few hundred to several thousand dollars, depending on their experience and the length of your book. Additionally, there may be costs associated with marketing and promoting your audiobook.

3. How long does producing and publishing an audiobook on Audible take?

The time required to produce and publish an audiobook can vary widely. The recording typically takes several weeks, depending on the book’s length and the narrator’s schedule. Editing and mastering the audio can add additional time. Once the audiobook files are submitted to ACX, it usually takes Audible about 10-14 business days to review and approve the audiobook for publication. The entire process can take anywhere from a few weeks to a few months.

4. Can I publish my audiobook on other platforms besides Audible?

Yes, you can publish your audiobook on other platforms. While Audible is one of the most popular platforms, you can also distribute your audiobook through other channels like Apple Books, Google Play, and Kobo. Some distribution services, like Findaway Voices, can help you publish your audiobook across multiple platforms, increasing your reach to a broader audience.

5. How do I ensure my audiobook meets Audible’s quality standards?

Audible has specific quality standards that your audiobook must meet, including technical specifications for audio files. Here are some key requirements:

  • Audio Format: Files must be in MP3 format with a bit rate of 192 kbps and a sample rate of 44.1 kHz.
  • Max Peak Level: No higher than -3 dB.
  • Noise Floor: No higher than -60 dB.
  • Consistent Sound: Ensure consistent sound levels and quality throughout the audiobook.
  • Cover Art: At least 2400 x 2400 pixels must be a square image.

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